
okay like three oR four days ago i was driving on fRy and i came to a stOp light and i stopped…and like some laDY SLAMMED into the back of our car!!!!! i like went forward and then slammed back on the head rest harrrd. my neck hurts =[ real bad!!! and it was my verry first wreck and on top of that…i was driving!! omg i like started shaking and stuff…it was not cooL!! and then two days later we were on the SAME road and the SAME thing happened!!!! i know right!!! ugh it was wierd and the girl who was driving didnt evn have her licenSE!!!!!!!!! ugh. today is my little bros birthday and so there are gonna be like 5 extra 6th graders at my house =[ i was supposed to go to someones house but she got siCK so im stuck at home…arrg. school starts in…seven days!!!! i cant BELIEVE it =[ ugh this is gonna be soooo wierd with alllll the seven lakes peeple gone!!!! how truly sad…well latterrrr



im soooooo haPpY!!! cause drivers ed is oVeRRRRRRRR!!! yesssss i never have to go back ((well except to get that ppr signed..)) and im doing my driving with my mom…and my mom is giving me the mOnAy she wouldv’e had to spend to drive with them ((i didnt want to cause i dont like driVinG with strrangerRrs)) so yaaaa for thaT!! thats like 200 buCKs…well yesterday i my grandpa came to town cause he had to get mouth surgery ((???)) and so like for a whole day he can’t eat food…so we went to wHaTabUrGer ((eWWWW!!)) and like i walked in and i saw keNdALl and kAYloN!! it was sooo coOL ((totAL coincidence!!)) and afterwards i left and me and kaYLon went to the pool to see aNgeLa  (( jeNNa was NOT there =[ not cOoL!)) and then aftertHaT hER mom took us to harwin..and my mom only gave me 10 bucks.. =[ ((she was mad at me)) but oh well im goin back with kaTeLyN when she gets back so its alll good. i found two pUrSes that i want and they are only 15 each!!! and this one place had like EVERY knockoff but they were 55 ((i was 45 shorT!!!)) and then i went to my bros baseball game..but the other team didnt show so they had a practice and i left..and droVe hOMe!!! yess i toTaLLY lOve dRiviNG!!! and then today i was driving and this guy pulled out of a neighborhood and i had to swerve to get out of the way!!!! my mom wouldve gotten hit!!!!!! my heart was RACING it was sooo scarrry!!!! tHe eND

<333 jEN


last night was soooooooo much fun!!!  welllll…. i went to drivers ed at like 1.45 ish and then when it was over fernando picked me up ((cause carlos is in my class so i asked him for a ride)) and then like we went to the church and then fernando drove us downtown ((illegally ahem…cause he can only have one other person in the car and randy rode in the back seat with meee.)) it was cool though and then randy wanted 80’s music so thats what we listened to like the whole ride there …it was intersting…he was like this is like my era…and then we got to haRd rOck cAfE and we ordered and me and maria wanted a kids meal so we asked the waiter person for one and he was like ya’ll look older than thirteen…im not allowed to give you a kids meal if i know you are older than 13…and i was like wellll you could pReTeNd you dnt know…and he was like ill see what i can do…i was very upset cause it wasnt one of those..ooo ill see what i can do = yes… it was like um no order from the freakin adult menu kinda ill see what i can do…so like he cam back with our drinks like 15 min later ((no joke)) and like he took out orders but b4 me and maria were like do u have the kids menus and he was like…ummm i checked with the manager and he said no…i was like bullcraP!!!!! neways i ordered and we ate and i got a flag in my burger!!!! omg i just remembered i lost it…. o no!!! im verry sad right now!! neways then we ate and left and by the way i lost like 10 bucks…and then we went and watched a documentary on penguins i know i know it sounds lame but it was sooooo good!!!!! i totally have a new respect for penguins…NO JOKE!!!! go watch the movie “the march of the penguins” its soooo good!!! and like the popcorn lady thinks im gayy too!! like it was cheap date night…so for SIX buckaroos u get a HUGE popcorn and a HUGE drink for you AND ur date. so like the popcorn lady wasnt gonna give us the stuff so i was like oo shes my date..and the lady was like oooH i see…and then when she gave us the drinks i was like im really not a lesbian and she was like o well thats ur buisness…like she didnt believe me…it was wierd…then fernando drove us back to the chuch…and then we went to zeBo’s coFfee place…it was yummmay and nando drove us AGAIN ((even MORE illegally lOL)) it was me and nanDO in the front and kelly and mark in the back..and mitch in the trunk… it was grrreatt!!! there were a lot of ppl that i knew at zebos…and then i went home THE END!!! it was awesome…iM ouT

<3333 jEN


well today was most intersting…i woke up at 7.30 and went to pick up kAYloN and then we went to starbucks and like kAYlon spelled out her name and the lady spelled it TOTALLY wrong..it was quite funny…and then we went to vBs…we had a class of cRaZZy four yR olds!! like we had to chase them around the room and they were SCREAMING at the tOP of their lungs…thank gOD for stARbuCKS!!! and after making our tourch we went outside to play on the playground and it was HOT! goodness gracious i walked outside and i was like WOA…and then we did some other stuff and then left and ate piZZa in the wherehouse ((the church is feeding us alll week…tommorrow is wenDys)) and then my mother picked me up…so we couldnt stay and play fOoTball cause of gayyyy drivers ed!!! i wanted to skip today more than ever…then we took kaY home and i went to drivers ed and my mom picked me up and i just got home from a baseball game that was from 6-9.15.. yah that was my day… and now im gonna go to bed cause im soooo tired!!! another week of 4 yr olds and drivers ed!! gosh  laTeRrS

❤ jEN


i kNOW i sAiD i wASNt gONNa uPDATE buT iM bOReD sO heRE wAS mY pasT fEw dAYs…oN fRiDaY aT liKE sOMe tiMe mE aND mY moM wENt aNd piCkED uP kAYloN aND wE hEAdEd tO lAkE cOnRoE…iN sOmE ciTY wE sToPpEd fOr luNcH aT tAcO.bELL aND mE aNd kAy oRdErEd soME nEW fOoD tHiNG. and wHiLE wE wERe eaTiNg tHis gUy was gOinG ouT tHe dOoR ((whiCH wAS bEhiNd mE)) aND liKE he puSHeD oN tHE wRong siDe oF tHE doOr aNd hiT hiS hEaD aND he wAS liKE “oW” aND liKE wHEn i hEaRd iT i haD fOoD iN my moUtH aNd i didNt wAnt tO bE meAN bY laUgHiNg sO i wAited tiLL hE leFt aND tHen me aNd kAY sTaRtEd CRACKING uP..oMgOoDnEsS it wAS HILARIOUS!!!!..tHen wE wENt tO tHE cOnRoE mALL aNd i puT oN tHIs hOtt gUyS jaCkeT aND kAY tOoK a piC oF mE…itS wAS fuNNY…tHen wE wENt tO a tOy sToRe aND wE hAd sO muCH fUN!! liKE tOo muCH…i hAveNt bEeN tO a tOy sTOrE iN sUcH a loNg tiMe..lOL…aND tHeN wE gOT tO tHE rEsORt aND wE wENt sWimMiN aNd pLayEd oN tHe pLaYpLACE…tHEn wE wENT oUt tO diNnER aT sOMe rEStERaUnt oN tHE laKe..iT wAS tiigHt….tHeN wE cAMe bAck tO tHE pLaCe aND wE nEeDeD iCE foR tHE kOoL.aiD i mAdE sO wE wENt TO gET iT..aND wE wERe oN tHE 2nD fLoOR aNd thERe wAS oNlY iCe oN tHe oDd fLoOrS sOo wE dEciDeD tO gO tO tHE 21sT flOoR bUT iT wAS oUt oF iCe…iT wAS sO fReAkY thERe tHOugH!!! iT wAS piTcH bLaCK aNd liKE iDK wE kEPt hEARiN sOuNds…sO tHE WE wENT TO tHE 19th fLoOR aND iT waS bRokEN sO wE wENT tO tHE 9tH fLOoR aND gOT tHE iCe…aND tHE eLAvAtOr tOoK 10 miN..nO joKe aND iT wAS tOoOo fAAAAreAkY tO tAKe THE sTaiRs….fiNaLLY wE gOt baCK aND wATcHed a moViE aND wENt TO bEd…tHEn tHE nExt dAY wE wOkE uP aND aTe brEAkfASt aNd thEN wEnT sWiMmiN agAiN aNd tHEn hEaDEd hOme…wE wEnT tO piZZa hUtT fOr luNcH aND gOT tHE nEW diPPiN sTRiPS piZza cAUSe iTS kAYloNs fAv. aND mE aND her gOt fRieNdshiP riNgs…aND tHen wE leFt aND wENt sHoPPiN aT oLD tOwN sPriNG fOR a cOUpLe hrs…tHEn we wEnT tO tAkE hER hOMe AND i sTaYeD aT hER hOuSE aNd thEN eNdEd uP sPeNDiN tHE niGHt thERe…tHEn wE wENt tO mY cHuRCh tHE nExT dAy AND theN i wENt bACK tO hER hOUsE aND wE wERe suPPoSEd TO gO tO tHE sEvEN mEaDoWs pOoL tO sWiM aND SeE aNg…bUt it raINed ((pOuReD)) sO wE juST cHiLLed aND cALLed a buNCh oF pPl…aND tHEn WE wEnT tO tHiS mEeTiNg aT tHE cHurCH aT 4 fOr vAcAtiOn biBLe sCHoOL….aND tHEn WE wENt bACK tO hER houSE aND aTe riBs tHat hER dAD gRiLLed ((wHiLe iT wAS rAiNiN…lOL)) aNd thEN wE wENt TO tHE sEvEN mEaDoWs poOl aNd sAW aNg aNd liKE a buNcH oF gAY cRap hAPpENd ((i gOT REALLY mAD)) aNd liKE wE diDnT eNd uP sWiMMiN tiLL tHe pOoL cLoSEd aNd eVErY1 lEFt…aNd tHen i wENt bACK tO hER hOuSE aND mY moM piCKeD mE uP aND mY bROtHEr hAD a fRiENd sLeEPoVer aND thEN i wENt TO mY g.pA’s toDAy aND i miGHt gO bOWLiN aT 7.30 bUt iDK..weLL tHIs iS SUUUUUPEr loNG…pEAcE ouT…h.tOWN!!!! lOL tHAts fOr kAYloN!!!

<33 jEN


wOw…my week has bEaN verry loNG! weLL on moNday i dnT reMember what i did..lol…then on some day me and jEn went to work in like a habitat for humanity resale place…so we got there and like both the ppl that worked there were smokinG((not like they were hott…they were smokiNG cigaReTTes)) so wE were like what can we do? and the lady was like well….you can sweEp…i was like…hECk nO ((i diNT aCtuaLLY sAY thaT persay)) and so we left aNd decided to go work on the house…we got there and like we went to this one house and the guy was soooo nice….he exPlAiNeD EVERYTHING to me and jEN…he aCtuALLy wanted us to learn something….i used a nAiLguN!!!! omg it waS sO eXciting we put in like 3 doOrS aND liKE 5 dOoR fRames!! and then the guy tried to teach me how to use the saw bUt iTS not my thing…i was aFrAid tO breAk it…and i didnt even go haLfwAy thRough the woOd!! lol and the neXt day we went and did baSebOaRds…not muCH fuN!! and we uSeD a diFF nAiL guN that ran on diesel or somthing…it sMeLLeD  noT aS cOOl as the eLeCtriC onE!! i hATe thEsE STUPID aDs at thE top…its the same thing oVeR and oVeR aNd ovER….iM suPPoSed tO gO sEe thE hoNeYmoOneRs tonIghT but i dNT think we are tiLL toMoRRoW…pEaCE out!

<33 jEN

((hEY hEY hEY))

OMG OMG BEACH RETREAT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO uNbelievably AWSOME!!!!!! omg i wanna go back soooooo bad…..like at our last service after we had already left our condos…((celebration service?)) i almost cried….like i was sooo sad cause i wanted to go back sooooo bad..omg omg whoever didnt go u totally missed out!!!! our condo was so grrreat! it was: me, jen, samamtha ((i made a new friend yAA)), alicia, court, shae, megan, kendal, and bailey. and one of our counslers is one of the new interns for the summer so its cool that like we know her now cause she’ll be with us all summa! too bad britt, jaclyn, and maria were in a diff condo.. that was noo fun…why is it that brit and jaclyn are always in a diff condo except for 7th grade…that was AWSOME too. like last yr br. i was in jaclyns condo with jen and so was brit and NO1 else!! arrG o well they made some new friends so its cool..well i have SOOOOO many stories and pics from BEACH RETREAT but it will take up a whole page!! well i made like 3 new friends ((two that werent even in my condo…holly and jamie)) well thats why i havent updated i was too busy PARTYIN IT UP IN ALABAMA!!!!! and i spent ALL of my money..on two T-shirts from fossil..one was greenish and it had yellow felt letters and on the front it says CHECK YO-SELF and then it has a square with a checkmark in it and on the back it says BEFORE YOU WRECK YO-SELF! i LOOOve it and the other one is yellow and it says scratch and scribble on it r somethin and its like DJ stuff…not AS cool…a belt that is like fabric and its light green and it has flowers sewed on its way cuter when im not describin it and a necklace thats like little brown wodden beads with a metal flower hanging both from pac-sun…a T-shirt (that says orange beach in like that font thats the souviner font [ya know?] ((the font is green)) and a sweatshirt that says orange beach and then below crew and it has two oars crossing and then under that it says alabama its WAY cuter in sight…both from sUrF sTyLe…and food from the food court at the mall…and food from wiNN-diXie….yess me and jen got wiNn diXiE caRds!!! what a super sovenier [sp?] and i owe jen like 5 dollas!! oops i ALWAYS borrow monAy from her!!!! lol i prolly owe her like 100 no joke lol….*ahem* well i think that this entry is now long enough..tOOds

❤ jEN

p.S.  BEACH RETREAT WAS AWSOME!!!!! 200 people got bABTISED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!